Talk from Brett Russell Dougherty on Vimeo.
This here is really a pretty ordinary video, but still it isn´t. I found it on Vimeo when I just browsed around for some intresting content, and intresting it was (Ok, I´m starting to sound like Yoda here).
It´s really just a simple portrait of something we probably do to litte. Talk. And I don´t mean idle talk among our friends. We´re perfectly fine at doing that. No, I rather meen talking to strangers. People we don´t normaly communicate with in our own neighborhood, on the bus, at the store, in the park or whereever you go during the day. We´re meeting more people during a single day then most people did during a whole year a hundred years ago, but still I can´t shake the feeling that we´re becoming more and more isolated from eachother. Sure, most of us probably have big circle of acquaintences but what about all the other outside of our realm of familiar faces? One could argue that you can let those people mind there own buisniess, which is partially true, but we´re still working on a common project - forming an society together with them - which meens we can´t ignore them all together.
All this is of course very utopic when applied to the population as a whole. It would be really great if everybody had this mindset I´m talking about, but unfortunately that´s not the case, and frankly I don´t think it will be either. However, from a pure subjective point of view, I don´t think that that´s relevant to the behaviour of the single individual. You can gain a lot just by making this your own reality, no mather what other people are doing.
Well, anyway. This video made me feel good.
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