Tuesday, January 01, 2008

First post

New year. New blog.

Welcome to Speldosa, my personal blog. Who am I then? Martin is the name I usually respond to. I live in Stockholm, Sweden, and I'm currently studying a wonderfull mixture of fields at Stockholm University. So far I've had the pleasure to learn more about philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics and mathematics and I plan to keep on trying to structure this crazy world through expanding my knowledge.

What I hope to accomplish with this site is pretty simple:

I want to write an intresting blog for you, my dear audience, to read. The blog hasn't got a totaly clear direction, so you might find that the subjects I write about differs quite a lot, ranging from everyday observations to scientific related stuff. I feel that the secret recipe to keeping a project like this alive is to not put to many restrains on it. That is an excelent way to kill your creativity and motivation. At least that's how my sick mind works.

Anyway, I'm sure a red line eventually will reveal itself and if it doesn't....well...I'll just deal with it then.

I should probably mention what "Speldosa" means, for those of you who are feeling your swedish is a bit rusty. Speldosa is the swedish word for music box. I won't tell you the complete backround story to why I choosed to call my blog this (partly because I really don't know myself and want to keep some of the mystiqe), but it will probably, as everything else, get clearer down the road.

Oh, one last thing. Since my native tounge isn't english, I happily listen to anyone who have any complains on my writing. My expectation is that I will develop my skills as I go along with this blog, but there's nothing wrong with a little help from outside. So go ahead. Tear my apart.

Well, enough said. Let's get started.

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