I saw this guy on the news this morning and it made my day. Or at least my morning. Well, the first ten minutes of it anyway. You see, I descided not to go to sleep this night in an desperate atempt to sync up my diurnal rythm to the rest of the world now when the school starts up again after the holidays. With that said, nothing really stays in my head for more then a couple of minutes today. Anyway, that's not the point. The point is...I forgot. No, got it. The point is that I thought this was hysterical. Or...Well, let's pretend I thought it was hysterical. That sound better than moderatly funny and pretty clever.
Anyway. Mark is some kind of comedian/filmmaker/lunatic who obviously like to get everybodys atention. Apperantly he is famous for that he, and I cite right of his homepage here, "visited and consumed purchases at all 171 Starbucks locations in Manhattan in one day". Well, since I'm not New York based I haven't really heard about him before, but when he commits to his next rather bizarre project, living at IKEA for a week, he's bound to get some atention here in Sweden. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about doing this myself. Who hasn't?
I read about this guy in DN (Daily News) and the first thing that struck me was that this must be really good PR for IKEA. A smart move indeed.
Yeah, I agree. The best kind of PR is probably the kind where others are doing it for you, for free. I've heard IKEA normaly doesn't agree to these kind of publicity stunt. I wonder what made them accept :)
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